JOURNEY towards connection

How I Work

reach out to me for a free 20 minute consultation to see if we are a good fit for each other.

Couples Therapy:

I would love to partner with you as you journey towards transforming your relationship to one characterized by connection, intimacy, vulnerability, understanding, and mutual satisfaction. 

In a relationship we are responsible to our partner and the commitments we have made to them, but we are not responsible for them, for caretaking their emotions, behaviors or responses. In couples therapy we will spend time looking at the issues unique to your relationship, your patterns of conflict and disconnection, and will work to uncover the issues underlying the disconnection you are experiencing. I work in an embodied way that helps each of you figure out what you are really wanting in relationship, get underneath reactivity and blame, get back on the same team, take ownership of your own part in the patterns at play, and learn skills that build connection, understanding and vulnerability. We will work with the conflict that you are experiencing in your relationship in productive ways that bring connection rather than furthering the divide.

The way I work with couples is informed by the work of Julia Colwell (Evolutionary Power Institute, Relationship Skills), Stan Tatkins (PACT- Psychobiological Approach to Couples Therapy), Terry Real (Relational Life Therapy), Betty Martin (The Art of Giving and Receiving), and Marshall Rosenberg (Nonviolent Communication), among others.

Issues we might address:

  • Emotional connection and vulnerability

  • Conflict, blame and reactivity

  • Communication

  • Sexual intimacy

  • Parenting challenges and differences

  • Relationship equity

  • Healthy boundaries

  • Verbal, emotional and physical abuse

Modalities that inform my work with couples:

  • Psychobiological Approach to Couples Therapy (PACT)

  • Relational Life Therapy