I am passionate about seeing people get to a place of thriving in themselves and in their relationships.

Hi- I’m Katie Clement MA, LPCC


I believe our sense of well being and belonging begins within ourselves and is solidified in our connection to the people and the natural world around us. I weave this belief into every session I have with clients.

I grew up outdoors in the mountains and have always felt a deep connection to nature. We feel something so profound when we see the sky full of stars, hear the songs of the birds, or pause to truly take in the immensity and grandeur of nature around us. Nature gives us perspective, grounding, connection, physical regulation, and can be our guide and our teacher if we let her be.

I believe in the indomitable nature of the human spirit and that each of us has the ability to craft our own lives with the tools we have been given.

I love to be outside, to work with my hands, to build beautiful things, to get my hands dirty in the soil. I love to spend time with my kids, take walks with my dog, enjoy an evening around the fire, and spend time in stillness in nature.

Together, we can learn to breathe, slow down, ground ourselves in this moment with acceptance, and step towards our own thriving.

I hold a master’s degree from Naropa University in

Mental Health Counseling, Transpersonal Wilderness Therapy
